Brev till Dr Phil....

I en kommentar på ett tidigare inlägg så skrev nåt tantskrälle, eller vad hon nu kallade sig att Dr Phil vore något att kontakta, om han funnits i Sverige. Nu gör han ju inte det, men som sagt vad hindrar mig från att kontakta honom ändå???

Absolut ingenting, så det gjorde jag väl ;)

Och om nu någon skulle tvivla en endaste sekund på att jag verkligen skrev till Dr Phil... sluta med det, för det gjorde jag ;)
Ni känner väl mig ... mohahahaha

Här är mitt brev ;) på knagglig engelska endast inhämtad från 9 års grundskola... men what the heck ;).... man får väl ha lite fantasi ;)

Right now, I had wished that you had a talk show in Sweden. But as you do not have that, I choose to write anyway.

I have four children, two of them have a diagnos. My youngest son, soon 15 years old have diagnosis of autism, ADHD, OCD and dyslexia.

He is in great need of a good assistant in the school he can feel comfortable with. How does it work in the U.S. for these children? Now, they want to replace my son's assistant, because they need to save money.

The assistants who worked more years in municipality will take over, and my son has been offered an assistant who is not competent to help my son.

My son is underweight, refuses to eat at school because of his severe coercion, which is primarily concerned with bacteria. His compulsion became worse when he learned that his current assistant not may remain in the autumn.

He has been home from school for the last 3 weeks, when he refuses to meet with the new assistant.
I have fought, make a war to retain the current assistant. But the Principal does not want to listen, because he does not like the current assistant and want her to stop at the school.
My son love his own assistant, and think she is the best.

I am amazed at how a school can kick away the legs of a child, only for their own profit's sake.
I wish often that I lived in the U.S., so I could sue the State for their treatment of my child.

But in the small country of sufficient, Sweden, there are no laws that protect children. Here are the only laws that protect the rulers, the only laws.

Do you know if there are an equally good, and a strong program in Sweden that may highlight the situation of children in Sweden? Or, there may be an interest for you, Dr. Phil to have a program in the U.S. on these children's situation in Sweden?
There is still a lot of people around the world who look at your program, so I imagine that it is of great interest to many.

Sincerely, M-A

japp...booorn in the USA.... yeeeaaah ,) ;)

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L har skrivit detta:

Why not? Som frustrerad mamma skulle jag också ta till alla medel jag kan komma på.

Du har så himla roliga kommentarer överallt i din blogg (exempelvis här där jag ska kommentera). Är det okej att jag knyckt och kopierat ditt "Blir glad för en kommentar"? Har länge ändrat och ändrat den för att jag inte hittat rätt. Vill inte bara att det ska stå "kommentarer".. tråkigt.


Carro har skrivit detta:

Jävlar anamma vad du regerar Majsan! Du fullständigt regerar! Keep it going!

Fullständigt träffsäkert! Stolt över dig.


2009-06-10 @ 15:04:13

Här skriver du din goa kommentar ;)

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